This Is What Some People Think Of It All...
(Comments about the book and from the wide array of artists’ and writers’ and creativity programs, courses and workshops, I’ve given on the fundamental artistic challenge of discovering what is an artist, and how we get to our art!)
'The Atacama'.
This is the desert that I visit first, IN ORDER to be able to go play in the grass. I mean 'write', of course! (Much more about this in the book.)
This Is What Some People Think Of It All...
Many of these quotes, ranging from 2002 to the present, are comments made by students on anonymous course evaluations.

“(The teacher was) awesome. One of the best teachers I’ve ever had. The course was awesome. Probably the most stimulating course I’ve ever taken.”
“Amazing instructor. Very good and passionate. She is very knowledgeable. A course that deals with an aspect of writing that other classes do not talk about.”
“Darylynn is a wonderful instructor. She has the ability to help people begin, or resume their writing. The atmosphere was positive, safe and stimulating. What a fabulous course. Thank you Dari!”

“I had no expectations and the course was great at bringing things out of me.”
“Excellent to draw out personal strengths and talents.
“Amazing instructor. Very good and passionate. She is very knowledgeable. A course that deals with an aspect of writing that other classes do not talk about.”

“The opportunity to explore something I haven’t done before.”
“Nothing short of brilliant!”
“I found the class to be fascinating. To me, the biggest surprise was how Dari helped us all tap into ourselves to bring our true writers out. She was teaching us to write “truthfully”, giving our writing depth, rather than staying on the surface of our ideas. Loved it!”
“Things I found least useful in this course:” – “nothing.”

“This course is excellent, and I would suggest it to everyone at EA.”
“Dari was an awesome teacher that got to us on many levels. She helped me… harness my creative energy into a form that should help me be more productive.”
“The things I learned about myself and how I hinder my own creativity are invaluable.”
“Dari was very supportive and understanding. She was very helpful when it came to our individual needs and wants. Dari was wonderful.”
“This was the most enlightening experience! Dary was brilliant!”
“Loved it. Some great tools to use in the creative process.”

“I loved the course.”

“This inspirational educational program was unique and inspirational. Her… background brought the individual participants to places far away and gently uncovered scripts and events that awakened each and every student… As we each traveled to different times, places and events we uncovered so many memories that awakened the whys and the reasons why one (was) blocked or could not write… This class will be remembered for years by each participant. No one missed a class, many were see running to class… This indeed was about the most unique educational experience I have ever been exposed to. Thanks go to Dari who inspired each and every student. Each student at the conclusion of the program wanted more…”
“Sensitive to where each participant was. (I liked most) the way the instructor managed to give each individual FREEDOM.”
“Wonderful teacher and participants.”

“Great job Dari – I’m so glad that your course fills the need so many writers have. I’m glad that you’re a part of our team! Thanks”
“I loved this course. It exceeded my expectations. I’m so glad that I enrolled at this time.”
“Absolutely fabulous, it helped me find a part of myself I didn’t know existed.”
“Thank you! I’m hooked to write more & more! A new beginning.”
“Very good teacher.”

“Thank you for such a unique experience.”

“Hello! I’m one of the students in the Venture Program. I just wanted to send you a belated email to thank you for your instruction! Without that session, I wouldn’t have arrived at my business name! As you can see, I’ve registered my domain name, and I’ll be incorporating my company soon! It’s all so exciting. I look forward to working with you in the future! Take care! ps. I am the MASTER of using way too many exclamation points. But they really do apply! (oops)”
“Safe atmosphere. No judgment. Excellent encouragement.”
“It helped me find my voice.”
“Completely safe place to “go there.”

“I have done other similar courses which were rather discouraging. This class was very inspirational.”
“Very interactive, open style. Not didactic or restrictive.”

“Dari is an incredible teacher and should be used as an example whenever necessary. Most definitely worth the effort.”
“What did you like best about the course?” “Everything.”
Community Education and Developmental Services

“…I felt supported and inspired and not as scared. I have had plenty of panic thoughts but at least now I have some tools… I have wanted to be a novelist my whole life so at least now I have a bit more gentleness with myself around the idea, more courage to at least try… thanks again.”
“What a great course – it would not have been what it is without such an amazing teacher. Langara. Education systems need more teachers like Dari.”
“I also wanted to say thanks. I do believe things happen for a reason – I was called the day before class and told the one I’d signed up for was cancelled so I asked if there was room in yours. After the first class I knew there was a reason for that. The format and content was exactly what I’ve needed (for years) to help get me over my fear and ambivalence, and the push/pull feelings I have around myself and writing.
…I felt supported and inspired and not as scared. I have had plenty of panic thoughts but at least now I have some tools and know there are people, lots, that feel a lot like I do… I have wanted to be a novelist my whole life so at least now I have a bit more gentleness with myself around the idea, more courage to at least try… thanks again.”
Email from student
“I was looking for inspiration – and got it!”

“It was amazing it was left me speechless, deep thoughts. AMAZING.”
“We all feel inspired to develop our creativity to the furthest degree.”
– Community Education & Development Services, Workshop: Helping the Helper: Develop Your Creative Side, 2009
“Darylynn is a wonderful person!! She really changed the rest of life. But I wanna talk about this to Darylynn in person. Anyway, I can recommend this course with all my heart!”
“Dari is amazing and facilitates and teaches wonderfully.”
“This course has been truly energizing for me. Dari has created an open, supportive atmosphere that has only benefited my writing.”
“Dari is a wonderful teacher – actually she lets people teach themselves about themselves. Great respect for all of us. Good work.”

“This class was fabulous! It should be mandatory. What a wonderful experience I’ve had.”
“Darylynn really did help me “find my creative voice”!”
“Valuable experience.”
This Is What Some People Think Of It All…

(Comments about the book and from the wide array of artists’ and writers’ and creativity programs, courses and workshops, I’ve given on the fundamental artistic challenge of discovering what is an artist, and how do we get to our art!).
Many of these quotes, ranging from 2002 to the present, are comments made by students on anonymous course evaluations.

Being an artist can be the most enchanting life imaginable – and the most tormenting. Finding your way to your own creative universe is an extraordinary and infinitely surprising journey. Still, every artist falters at some point. Call it what you will: blocks, obstacles, hitting the wall, tossing your painting into the ocean, or shredding your manuscript – we have all stumbled, we have all shut down.
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A book about...
The extraordinary journey of getting to your creativity.
“The Art of Becoming An Artist” is a non-fiction book about the extraordinary, surprising, and joyful journey of finding your way to your own creative universe.
Every artist I have ever known or heard about, has faltered at some point in pursuit of their art. Call it what you will. Blocks, obstacles, hitting the wall, tossing your painting in the ocean, shredding your manuscript; we have all stumbled at some point. We have all shut down. Failed to produce. Failed to create.